Madame Lives!!!
If you're a Geigh over the age of 40 you probably have fond recollections of Wayland Flowers and his delightful wooden friend, Madame. They were one of the few visible gay/camp icons on tv in the 70's and 80's and any drag queen who grew up in that era has stolen a bit or two from the Great One, (who herself borrowed freely from Auntie Mame and Norma Desmond). Sadly, Flowers died of AIDS in 1988 and Madame was forced into the what seemed a permanent retirement...
Today I learned, via the website PopBytes (http://popbytes.com) that "handler" Joe Kovacs has resurected the Divine One from her rosewood and satin lined coffin and has begun making appearances in New York in a show called "Madame and Me". You can check it out at Madame's website: http://madameandme.com/
Puppets of the non-Muppet variety seem ridiculous and tacky, but Madame really was a great character; bitchy but funny and generally warm-hearted. There are clips of her old short-lived sit-com on YouTube and you can check out a pre-pubescent Corey Feldman as one of her co-stars.
I'm hoping she'll come to Seattle, but I don't think she'll get a good reception in a town that prides itself on being hip and jaded...