14 Things You Might Want to Know About Tonite's Two Hour Premiere Titled "LA X":
- A Main Character and A Guest Star we've seen before will die.
- You Will Cry.
- Smokey is a bad motherfucker in this episode.
- The Dead Will Rise...at least 6 previously dead characters (regulars and guest stars)will be seen or HEARD alive.
- Yes, we DO revisit Oceanic Flight 815 but things are a bit different this time around.
- Rose and Bernard: yes.
- Cindy the Stewardess: yes.
- Zack and Emma: we'll see...
- Vincent (the dog): unknown
- Claire is back...as a series regular.
- Desmond is seen, but he's NOT a season regular this year...
- Bye, Bye 1977.
- Hurley's Guitar Case: oh, yeah.
- Sayid needs some very special healing, 'cause the bastard is bleeding out...where could they go to get that kind of help? Hmmmmm....