What I did yesterday...Finally saw Milk after two previous attempts cancelled by snow/shitty weather. Of course it started snowing a couple hours before I was due to go to the Egyptian but it was decided that in order to break the bizarre Strangeways Snow/Milk Curse that I had to go regardless of how dreadful the weather was...and, oddly enough, about 10 minutes after exiting the theatre last night, the snow stopped. So, officially, Winter is now over.
Later, with different friends, I went to Than Bros and had the #12 which has almost everything in it except the tripe. (I draw the line at tripe because it seems trite and has too many fecal connotations...)We chose Than Bros because it was cold and pho is excellent when it's cold, but primarily because it's ultra cheap and of the three people dining, one of us is unemployed and going to Gene Juarez School of Beauty, the other is on unemployment and me, who is not very gainfully employed. Of course, the unemployed student insisted on paying which means I will have to retaliate by buying her a Tofurkey and leaving it on her door step.
oh, and Milk was very moving and even though he personally annoys the shit out of me, Sean Penn did an amazing job as Harvey Milk and the rest of the cast was excellent though I'm not sure if Josh Brolin really deserves that many acting accolades for his Dan White portrayal; he was good but the part seemed a little small to warrant all the love he's getting. And Diego Luna as one of Milk's lovers was very annoying, which wasn't the actors fault, but the nature of the character as written. And Luna is a very attractive man but bewigged and berobed in the worst of 70's attire had him resembling a Chia Pet that was gangbanged in a Value Village.
The real star of the show is James Franco playing Milk's great love Scott Smith. The reasons for Mr Franco's stardom are readily apparent: his award worthy, pillowy, "please kiss me for the rest of my life" lips, his dreamy, sly, and slightly buzzed eyes, and most importantly, my firm belief that he is a tiger in the sack, capable of hours of prolonged Tantric pleasure for both himself and his partner(s) in rapture. If he's not, I'll eat his hat...
or basket...
or something...
I'm still really looking forward to MILK, but I saw SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE and THE WRESTLER both this weekend. WRESTLER was really good; realistic, sad, great acting, left the audience wondering and wanting a bit more. SLUMDOG left the audience in want of nothing, handing over exactly what they wanted and then some. Entertaining, but predictable and pretty silly—like a kids' movie w/ violence. not worthy of all the hype and 10 Oscar noms.
The only thing Slumdog left me at the end of it, was a mild desire to buy the soundtrack...
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