Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The flu crap that's been going around has laid me low; I'm still working, 'cause of course, I don't get any paid sick days as a contract worker, but due to a lack of energy and the fact that I actually have to work on a big project, I'm not posting anything for awhile....I promise I'll make it up to the six or seven people who actually check this blog out...In the meantime, enjoy the news that McCain is currently less than 8 points ahead of Obama in McCain's home state of Arizona and in that reddest of Red States Mississippi, (which, to me, isn't that huge of a shock considering that nearly a third of Mississippi is African American....)

1 comment:


I hope this finds you feeling better.
I am for sure one of the 7 or 8 people who read you regularly. So it is important to me that you do write, and you should know that. I'm learning a new Mac which a friend in Portland has given me. So I dropped my daily habit of checking in.
But now I'm back. And you, sir, are in demand.
You sound melancholy, a lament that tortures artists who neglect their craft. Your suffering must be vast. But your public needs you now. Get out there and dance.