not much else to say when an icon dies. Actually, I do have a tiny anecdote...I SAW Paul Newman once, in Kansas City circa 1989, when he was filming Mr & Mrs Bridge. I was walking down the street in downtown KC on my way to work at the Radisson when I saw a tiny but charismatic man wearing a 1940's era suit walking towards me and as we passed one another, my mind immediately clicked and thought, "that dude looks like Paul Newman..." and, of course it was. As always, I refrained from the whole, nerdy, running up to to a celebrity to gush over them thing. It's so tacky.
So, goodbye Mr Newman. You were a sexy piece of manflesh, a good actor, (we'll be forgiving of your encounters with Irwin Allen and Altman's Quintet) and you made a mean pineapple salsa.
And, I'm wondering how long before the post-mortem gay rumors start appearing in print...or, will they be tasteful and wait until Joanne Woodward is dead?
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