He has a relatively interesting blog where he reports on his travels, his porn films, his interests in swimming and rugby AND his frequent interactions with the cast of the NBC television series "Heroes". He's hung out with cast members on numerous occasions in Europe and L.A., has visited the set and was invited to Jack Coleman's all star and formal 50th birthday party in February.

Buck with Zach Quinto and Milo Ventimiglia

Jack Coleman, Dillon Buck, Adrian Pasdar, Hayden Panettiere

Coleman, Ventimiglia, Buck, Panettiere
What's that all about? Since when do gay porn stars get invited to hang out with the cast of a hit television series? Odd....
Here's his blog: http://dillonbuck.blogspot.com/search/label/HEROES
All the pictures of Buck with members of the Heroes cast are from this site.
The Heroes section is a safe area, but if you explore the rest of his blog, or his professional website, there are numerous NSFW images of the big, hard boner kind.

I've figured it out; obviously Dillon Buck is some sort of long lost relation to American actor Liev Schreiber, which gives him the clout to infiltrate Hollywood sets...
they do look a lot alike...
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