These two, BOTH deserve to be nominated though I'm guessing that only Bardem will manage to get in and probably win as best supporting actor. But Josh Brolin was very good as well...
These two should HAVE Oscars by now, but prejudice against genre films and bloody films may hurt them, esp. Helena Bonham Carter since her singing was not well received and AMPAS tends to avoid nominating actresses who are publically sleeping with their director, (the Mia Farrow Syndrome)....but she's bloody good; as equally good as Mr Depp.

I liked Atonement and even though many of the Oscar bloggers think it's lost it's buzz and Oscar momentum, I think the Academy will give it some love. After all, they are notorious Anglophiles and at the very least this film will get design and tech nominations. I liked Knightly in this, but James McAvoy is very, very good (and very, very attractive) and Saoirse Ronan as the youngest of the three versions of Briony, the main charactor in the story, is brilliant and has the advantage of youth on her side. The Academy never fails to get a kick out of seeing underaged actors in tiny versions of formal wear at the Oscars.

I liked parts of I'm Not There and I disliked parts of I'm Not There but I won't argue that Cate Blanchett is amazing playing one of the versions of Bob Dylan, but also not to be overlooked is Charlotte Gainsburgh as the lover of another version, played by an equally good Heath Ledger. Blanchett WILL be nominated, but Gainsburg has been barely mentioned by the critics, (I think the NY Times loved her performance) which is too bad; Blanchett's part is really a lead and Gainsburgh is actually giving a SUPPORTING performance.

He was hammy, but I liked the movie and the twitchy performance...Here's a picture featuring two of the best actors of the year....Sadly, Bianca expresses more range than a lot of other young Hollywood actresses and seems to have a firmer grasp of reality and probably stronger parenting skills than Britney Spears....

I haven't seen Juno or There will be Blood yet, but I want to see both of these films soon....I'm leery of "Blood"...PT Anderson is one of those directors that always manages to piss me off at some point.
1 comment:
There Will Be Blood is the best film made in years.
Go see it. I hated Magnolia.
Daniel Day Lewis is insane and mesmerizing.
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