But, which one? And, will it be on the Island, or in a flash-forward?
And the remaining two of the "Oceanic Six" are revealed...which must mean that Aaron is NOT considered one of the Six...
I can't wait...
Well, we found out that it's JIN who croaks sometime in the future and it must be AFTER they get off the island, because he seems to be buried in Korea. And Sun has a healthy baby, so since she's currently about 13 weeks pregnant or so, in Island time, and the Deadly Maternity Disease strikes women in the second trimester, that means that the Oceanic Six must get off the island, in the next few weeks, Island timewise...
This episode was disappointing to me, esp. after the hype...I hate Lost episodes that bounce around too much...Lost works best if they focus on one story. On last nights episode we bounced around from the beach, to the freighter to Jin's flashback and Sun's flashforward over and over again...It was annoying. And I really hated the way they handled the death of the Zoe Bell character on the freigher; really, really stupidly conceived and shot...it had no meaning and you felt nothing emotionally when it happened.
I'm giving this episode a C+. Next weeks Michael centered episode, had better be good and there really had better be a good death in it...
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