Not only does this artist have a great name, he makes some great art. His solo show opened this last Saturday and runs through March 8th at Gallery 3 in San Francisco. You can check out the show at the Gallery 3 website: http://www.shootinggallerysf.com/leeharveypage.html and check out the artist's website here: http://www.leeharveyroswell.com/
It's interesting to watch his progression if you compare the new stuff to older stuff. I like the older stuff, but it's a little derivitave and relying too much on the source material. Instead of just painting images from silent films, the newer stuff is riffing on those images and adding so much more. I love the piece I'm showing here; there's so much crazy, angry energy. For once, mimes are interesting to look at and behold. They seem to have an inner life and have escaped the stereotype and the banality in which we hold mimes.
I wish Seattle had more galleries that showed stuff like this. It's pretty much Roq LaRue and that's it for "Juxtapoz" type art. All the other galleries in town are so safe and boring.
Oh, this piece is called, "The Dressing Room". It's oil on canvas, 24"x30" and it sells for $5000 and worth every penny.
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