The Office is coming back with new episodes!!!! Praise Chebus...
I'm posting a picture of Toby, aka, actor/writer Paul Lieberstein, 'cause he's one of my favorite characters on the show, AND I think he's hot in that dopey, sleepy-eyed nerd guy sort of way. A friend of mine thinks he's hot, too, and when her boyfriend told her she was an idiot for crushing on Toby, and that NO ONE thinks he's hot, she had to get me on the phone to confirm the Toby Hotness. I don't think the BF believed us but he's the kind of guy that keeps a big box of break-up porn in his closet "just in case" it should ever come in "hand"y....the perv...
I'm also hoping The Office is coming back with some stronger scripts. The first part of the season was a little disappointing, and I think the hour long episodes were a big mistake. I have a theory that it doesn't work when you try to change the structural format of tv shows and movies. A show designed to be a half hour comedy show seldom functions well when you try to expand the format; the timing and pacing are off and the jokes don't seem to work as well. Everything feels stretched and labored. I think the best example of this, is when they try and turn a sitcom into a movie; some good examples of this are The Simpsons Movie, and the first Futurama direct to video movie. They have their moments, but they seem to get lost along the way...
I also think the writers/producers of The Office made some fundamental errors at the end of last season and the set up for this season. They made too many changes to the show which has messed up the dynamic of the characters. Between the last episode of last season and the first couple episodes of this season Jim and Karen broke up, Jim started dating Pam, Kelly and Ryan broke up, Jan got fired, Ryan got Jan's job, Jan moved in with Michael and Dwight and Angela broke up. That's a lot of major plot changes in a short period of time, and I think it's caused some problems with the plotting of the show. I could live with most of those changes, but I think the Dwight/Angela break up was the worst idea, or at least an idea that was executed too prematurely. They should have kept them together, made them the only ones privy to the information that Jim and Pam were dating and had them subtley blackmail Jim and Pam into being their best friends, for a few episodes, which could have led to some great double dates. Then, down the road, they could have broken them up, at least temporarily. Instead, we have Angela being wooed by Andy, an annoying character who has served his purpose in the show, and needs to move on. (and that's another problem with the show now; too many characters with too many plotlines. They need to focus on the core characters and let the smaller characters just serve their purpose as supporting players.)
I didn't mean to FanBoy out on this and go on and on, but I'm craving me some Dunder-Mifflin shenanigans...I've also heard rumors of a possible Arrested Development movie, but I don't need to go into that right now. At this point, it's speculation and I strongly suspect it has a lot to do with Michael Cera's sudden hotness as the new It Boy of the moment. And while the AD nerd in me craves this, as I pointed out up above, it's probably not a good idea. I should also point out, that I'll probably see the Sex and the City movie on opening day, with about 10 million other fags and their hags...
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